
Who We Are

VRG Components是全球各种行业集团的电子制造商的首要B2B采购合作伙伴.  我们成立于2014年,使命是为电子制造商提供高品质的bbin官方平台, electronic components to maximize their production processes.  Today and every day, we live that mission.

我们帮助我们的客户立即利用机会,以弥补供应缺口, reduce costs, manage inventory, and speed time to market.  Headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, we have vendors, partners, and customers all over the world.  我们了解电子元件供应链的独特bbin官方平台,并具有独特的优势来克服这些bbin官方平台.

VRG Components is a leading supplier of electronic components parts to:

  • Manufacturers
  • Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)
  • Contract Manufacturers (CM)
  • Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS)


VRG Components is an AS 9120B/ISO 9001:2015 certified supply chain solution for companies in many industries including the automotive, consumer electronics, medical electronics, public transportation, machinery, telecommunications, and fire/security industries.

Since 2014, 我们已经向世界领先的bbin官方平台电子制造服务公司运送了数百万个零部件.  我们运送的关键部件可帮助您的生产线保持正常运行,避免代价高昂的延误.  No matter the product category, we can solve your sourcing challenges.

Serving a Wide Range of Industries

VRG Components serves the following industries:

我们业界领先的全球采购解决方案是通过超过50年的行业知识.  We tap into our extensive network of open market contacts, leverage a multi-lingual sourcing team, put quality first, and provide an unmatched commitment to customer service.

We Speak Your Language

We understand the supply chain, 而且客户更喜欢与那些说他们语言的人建立关系和做生意.  VRG Components is a multi-lingual organization, and we understand the international business customs of the countries we do business in.  Languages spoken by the VRG Sales team include but aren’t limited to:

ENGLISH  |  GERMAN  |  SPANISH  |  FRENCH  |  And more

Our Mission


Our Vision


Our Purpose

我们的目标是满足全球客户在制造业中最具bbin官方平台性的供应链需求, to be the first call our customers make, and the last one needed.

Our Core Values

TEAM FIRST – We are committed to putting our team first, to build collaboration and a caring culture second to none.  当我们照顾好我们的团队和彼此时,团队就会照顾好我们的客户.

EMBRACE INNOVATION & CHANGE – Although it is human nature to resist change, we endeavor to embrace it in our thoughts and our processes, 专注于持续创新,最终为客户提供无与伦比的服务.

GIVING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE – Our success is all the sweeter when it is used to help others.  We commit to sharing our success to improve the lives of those in need.

Our Quality Policy

我们努力通过提供优质的bbin官方平台和服务来达到客户满意度的最高水平, while continually improving our Quality Management System, and we are committed to satisfying industry, legal, regulatory, and AS9120B/ISO 9001:2015 requirements.

Women Thrive Here

而世界各地的女性在工作场所,尤其是在管理领域的代表性不足, VRG embraces their contributions.  In fact, we are a WBENC-certified woman-owned business.  Our CEO, Verena Martin, is a strong and experienced leader who runs the company with vision, passion, and determination.  She is extremely well respected within the organization, our industry, and the community.

Women thrive throughout this organization.  Currently, 50% of our management team is female and over 50% of our workforce is female.  No gender pay gap has ever existed here and never will.

Age Diversity Embraced

从第一天起,我们就相信工作场所的年龄多样性可以提高组织绩效, reduce employee turnover and drive innovation.  Our Baby Boomers and Gen Xers, who represent 45% of our workforce, 他们带来了实现我们增长战略所需的宝贵经验,而我们的千禧一代和千禧一代不断带来受欢迎的新鲜想法.

Multi-cultural Team

VRG有意建立了一支强大的多元文化团队,我们的专家用他们的母语与客户和供应商沟通.  On any given day you will hear conversations in German, Spanish, French, Romanian, Serbo-Croatian, and, of course, English.  这使我们能够与世界各地的客户和供应商建立有意义的长期关系.

Social Responsibility

Not only are we committed to our employees and our customers but also to those in need.  We believe that we get much more from life when we help others.  VRG对奉献的承诺使我们每个人都感激在一个关心他人的公司工作和成长.  Currently, VRG Components supports three non-profit organizations:

  • Charlotte Bilingual Preschool
  • Charity: Water
  • Project Eden Adelante

Charlotte Bilingual Preschool LogoFor over 22 years Charlotte Bilingual Preschool (CBP) has provided innovative, two-generation solutions for preparing Spanish-speaking children for success.  它的使命是通过提供优越的双语教育,为讲西班牙语的孩子在学校和生活中取得成功做好准备, multicultural early childhood education.

Charlotte Bilingual Preschool 提供北卡罗莱纳州唯一一家拥有五星级执照的双语学前教育项目.  他们帮助孩子们建立成功所需的幼儿园准备和英语技能, while also cultivating the long-term advantages of bilingualism.

两代人计划意味着家庭获得了长期维持子女教育所需的工具, and programs are designed in partnership with families.

Wraparound services include occupational therapy, speech therapy, and family counseling, all bilingual and all on-site.  They are focused on removing barriers so that children can succeed long-term.

Charlotte Bilingual offers preschool programs for 3 and 4-year-old children, family programs including free ESL courses via CPCC (Central Piedmont Community College), ParentChild+ home visit programs, 和Creciendo Juntos(一起成长)早期发展研讨会,为父母和他们的婴幼儿提供服务.

Last fall, children entered Charlotte Bilingual Preschool with 38% of the skills needed for success in school.  By the spring, they had doubled their skills to 78%.  99%的学龄前儿童提高了他们的英语技能,63%的儿童在统计上表现出显著的社交情绪改善.  88%的家庭对自己有能力支持孩子的小学教育表现出信心.


VRG Components最近在2022年初向该组织和我们的首席执行官提供了慷慨的财务捐赠, Verena Martin, currently serves on their operations committee.

Charity Water Logo
Did you know that 10% of the world lives without access to clean water?  VRG supports Charity: Water, 一个不可阻挡的组织,致力于为世界偏远农村地区的6.63亿人提供清洁水.  Most take it for granted but access to clean water means education, income, and health – especially to women and children.  我们想要分享我们的成功,并决定为这项事业慷慨捐赠,为由于污染和缺乏水而遭受疾病和口渴的欠发达社区提供清洁饮用水.  Charity: Water completed this project and VRG has impacted the lives of 1,240 students in Bangladesh through access to clean and safe drinking water.  Charity: Water was able to build two piping systems with our contribution.
VRG Components公司在2022年提供了另一笔慷慨捐赠,帮助资助津巴布韦的一个新井项目.

Project Eden Adelante LogoProject Eden Adelante is also near and dear to our hearts.  这个总部位于洪都拉斯的组织致力于缓解世界上贫困率高达60%的地区儿童的营养不良和教育问题.  Since VRG’s beginnings in 2014, 我们团队的辛勤工作使80个孩子能够上学一整年.  VRG Components continues to financially support the ongoing education of several children.

Project Eden works to alleviate malnutrition among the people, mostly children, of the San Francisco de La Paz area in Honduras, and Adelante works to educate students from grades 4 through 12.

Service:  They work side by side with the local population in the areas of agriculture, education, nutrition, and healthcare.

Spirituality:  他们通过阅读和生活福音,与当地社区和当地教会一起敬拜和祈祷.

Solidarity:  They come to know the poor through listening and mutual sharing of resources.

Justice:  They experience and reflect on the life of the poor and the reality of poverty.

Our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy

Diversity, equity, and inclusion for all are at the root of our culture at VRG Components.  We are a minority and woman-owned business.  We have made a commitment to value the uniqueness of each employee and equality for all.  我们的多样性使我们能够提供更好的体验,并与我们服务的全球客户建立正版bbin平台.  We strive to create a workplace where employees feel empowered to share their ideas.  We respect the creativity they bring.  Fostering passion, determination, 合作精神是我们核心价值观的一部分,也是我们被《bbin官方平台》评为美国最佳工作场所之一的原因. magazine.